About our School
Name and address: Základní škola, Praha 10, V Rybníčkách 1980/31, příspěvková organizace
ZŠ V Rybníčkách is a primary and secondary school located near the Skalka metro station and was opened in 1961. After recent renovations, the school offers modern classrooms for foreign languages, physics, chemistry, natural sciences, music and workshops. The school has two gymnasiums and a sports field, which is also used for after-school activities.
As a faculty school of Charles University, it focuses on practical teaching and research projects. Teachers are 95% qualified, and the school operates according to the School Educational Program, emphasizing languages and mathematics. Approximately 600 students attend the school. About 5% of students have special educational needs, requiring cooperation with counseling services. Students actively participate in many subject competitions. The school has a student council and publishes a school magazine called “Rybí zpravodaj”.
Information Sheet 🇬🇧 Quick Facts 🇬🇧 GDPR 🇬🇧
After School Club 🇬🇧 School Canteen 🇬🇧
Mgr. Luděk Doležal, School Principal
phone: +420 274 810 332, +420 702 119 041
e-mail: ludek.dolezal@zs-vrybnickach.cz
Data box ID: wizw2pk
Mgr. Ljubov Avramovičová, Deputy Vice-Principal
phone: +420 274 810 523
e-mail: ljubov.avramovicova@zs-vrybnickach.cz
Mgr. Zuzana Mandausová, Deputy Principal and Guidance Counselor
phone: +420 274 810 523
e-mail: zuzana.mandausova@zs-vrybnickach.cz
Milena Bláhová, School Accountant
phone: +420 274 810 523
e-mail: skola@zs-vrybnickach.cz
After School Club
phone: +420 774 175 538
e-mail: pavlina.bokova@zs-vrybnickach.cz